Silicon Valley Chapter

Quarterly Meeting

Next Meeting:

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Local Chapter Location:

More information coming soon!


The SEC Professionals Group is a community of in-house professionals who actively prepare and file financial reports with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
The purpose of the community is to foster communication between members on matters of common professional interest.


I. SEC Professional Group Discussion (Participation offers 1.0 CPE Credit)

  • Course Description As a result of attending this program, members will learn about research and resources for financial reporting.
  • Prerequisites: This program is designed for professionals with SEC knowledge and experience in the area of public reporting compliance requirements.
  • Advanced Preparation: None
  • Instructional Method: Group Live for those attending in the same room as the speakers. Group Internet Based for those attending remotely.

Not a part of the SEC Professionals Group? Sign up HERE.

Silicon Valley Accountants is a proud sponsor of the SEC Professionals Group and as such encourages external reporting professionals in public or pre-IPO companies to join the SEC Professionals Group.

To learn more and to register click HERE.

What is the SEC Professionals Group?

The SEC Professionals Group is a community of professionals who actively prepare and file financial reports with the SEC. The purpose of the group is to foster communication among members on matters of professional interest. The group meets quarterly to discuss complex reporting issues including XBRL, IFRS preparation and implementing new accounting rules.

The group is exclusively for external reporting professionals.
This is an invitation-only, members-only group.

The SEC Professionals Group has over 2500 individual members from approximately 1500 companies across the country. There is no charge to join the group or to attend meetings. Members have access to a confidential membership list to facilitate one to one communication on accounting and disclosure issues. Many members participate in our meetings remotely by web or telephone. The founding members of the group created a policy that only in-house SEC reporting professionals are invited to be members, auditors, consultants, and vendors are not included as members.

We are actively growing local chapters in the Cleveland and Detroit areas and welcome your participation!

The easiest way to join the SEC Professionals Group is to log into the website and click on “Apply for Membership”.
Once your application is approved, you will have access to the website.

Collaboration, shared learning, best practices and building professional communities are all critical in this ever-changing environment of SEC reporting. The SEC Professionals Group is the preeminent group in the country exclusively providing these resources for external reporting professionals.


To learn more and to register click HERE.