If the information on this page does not answer any questions you may have to your complete satisfaction, please contact us at register@svacpa.com


SVA is committed to providing high quality education and practical training opportunities. If you are not completely satisfied with any course, you may choose to attend a course of comparable cost at no charge or to receive a full refund of the course fee by contacting Lolita Ada at Lolita.Ada@svacpa.com.

Refund Policy

Requests for refunds must be received in writing no less than 7 days prior to the course date for a full refund. Requests for refunds received less than 7 days prior to the course date will be subject to a 50% cancellation fee. No refunds will be granted within 48 hours of the course date. Refunds will be credited to the same credit card account used for the original transaction.

Cancellation Policy

Should SVA cancel a program, the full course fee will be refunded. SVA will contact registered attendees using the contact information provided at the time of registration. The full registration fee will be credited to the same credit card account used for the original transaction. 

Complaint Resolution Policy

SVA is committed to providing high quality education and practical training opportunities. If not completely satisfied with any course, you may choose to attend a course of comparable cost at no charge or to receive a full refund of the course fee by contacting Lolita Ada at Lolita.Ada@svacpa.com.

Course Content

All courses are designed to fall within one of three categories – basic, intermediate or advanced. Each course will clearly state the level for which it is intended. 

Basic courses are designed for attendees who are new to a skill, at entry level, or have had limited exposure to the subject matter. These courses are designed to introduce a participant to the subject matter and require no prior knowledge. 

Intermediate courses are designed for attendees who have already taken a basic course in the same subject matter or who have experience which has led to detailed knowledge of the subject matter. Any specific prior knowledge required for an intermediate course will be clearly stated in the course description and promotional materials.

Advanced level courses are designed for participants who have extensive knowledge of the subject matter and seek to learn about a broader range of application, develop more in-depth knowledge or explore a wider variety of skills. Advanced level courses will offer participants the opportunity to discuss their knowledge level and experience with SVA staff prior to registration to ensure compatibility. 

SVA is committed to providing the most current information through its various educational and training offerings. To this end, course materials are reviewed and updated regularly to reflect industry trends, as well as changes in the economic, legal and regulatory environments. Course materials are also reviewed regularly to assure that they are consistent with currently accepted standards relating to the course subject.