Thank you for your continued responses to our outreach. We have enjoyed productive conversations, and impact thought leadership throughout this crisis challenge. We hope each of you is gearing up for a wonderfully relaxing and recuperative weekend, and if there are any support needs we will be prepared to help.
Typically at this time of year our team would be reviewing Annual Client Survey responses, reaching out to discuss results/training issues, and preparing a strategic plan based on the survey results to determine how we better serve our clients. Due to COVID-19, we have made the decision to further delay our client survey efforts. We feel that asking for your feedback through this time would be tone-deaf to today’s environment – especially as your teams prepare for Q2 Reporting. That said, we do plan to release a survey later this summer. We would like to include an opportunity for your feedback in the survey ahead of release. Often, we will share survey information to client leadership like yourself to leverage the information and understand potential areas for growth. If there are specific questions that you believe would be helpful to include in our survey, then we would love to hear from you regarding those questions/topics.
Beyond our annual client survey, we are also planning our first virtual conference to take place later this year. We had previously put plans in place to host a conference this past May, but with travel restrictions in place we’ve now decided that hosting this event virtually is the best option for our clients and team members. If there are any specific topics you would like covered in this conference, then we are happy to discuss those further with you. We will focus on creating the Accounting Department of the Future – especially as it pertains to recovering from the impacts of COVID-19.
The SVA team continues to prioritize our client support and COVID-19 preparedness outreach. We have also explored the topics of accounting and financial reporting implications and the recovery phase each of our organizations will have to endure. We are still offering our Enhanced Support which includes the following (and more):
-Mapping of undocumented processes, continuous improvement steps
-Additional pilot license implementation for COVID related needs
-Publishing of procedure documentation or back-up work
-Personalized performance reviews and one-on-one training
-GoTo Meeting based training of new employees & support 24/7 (worldwide)
We still have NO intention to charge clients for any additional services. We are strongly committed to client partnering to effectively work through this crisis. We thank the many clients that have reached out for continued support; it is primarily through our client relationships that we find our value and purpose.
We strongly believe that proactive steps taken throughout June to prepare for Q2 Reporting will be crucial in a successful Q2 Close. If you have any questions or would like to have a conversation regarding Q2 close preparation, then we are happy to schedule a call.
We continue to appreciate your partnership and support, and we look forward to the strong relationships we will build and maintain with each of you.