CFO Mag Climate Change and Your Business

The other day, I was scanning my Twitter Feed, and I see a link for an article from CFO Magazine titled Don’t Let the Climate Change Your Business .  Being somewhat of an environmentalist in my other life (I have also written for an ecology blog) this raised my eyebrows a little.  What is their real message? …

PCAOB Releases Interim Inspection Report on Audits of Brokers and Dealers

For a full update on the latest PCAOB Hot Button Issues and developments, please attend our quarterly recap webinar.  Our next webinar is scheduled for September 14 at 1:00 PM Eastern, and will focus on Root Cause Analysis On August 18, the PCAOB released their Annual Report on the Interim Inspection Program Related to Audits …

APQC: What is the cost of the finance function?

Writing in CFO Magazine, our friend Mary C. Driscoll of APQC takes a look at some of the results of APQC’s Open Standards Benchmarking assessment. The results are enlightening and confirm what we have seen with many of our clients over the past years. The difference between the top performing firms and the bottom performers, in …

IIA CEO – We are not “bean counters”

IIA CEO Richard Chambers makes a impassioned plea for members of the profession to stand up for themselves and fight back against some of the common stereotypes. Key Quotes “today internal auditors … examine how the beans are grown, how they are harvested, and how they are taken to market” “the critical characteristics of a …

FEI – Audit committee relationships key to success

FEI Daily reports from the Current Financial Reporting Issues Conference (CFRI) that audit committee members and audit committee chairs want and need more and better communication from finance managers and executives at their company. “I talk with the chief accounting officer or head of internal audit on a monthly basis,” Cyprus said. “I don’t want to …

CPAs as Crime Fighters

This isn’t our usual fare, but we found it pretty fascinating. The Journal of Accountancy has a great article running on the CPA as a Criminal Pursuing Agent. Durkin was an FBI agent working undercover as he had a drink with known members of an organized crime group at a fancy restaurant in Los Angeles. …

Accenture: The Finance Department as We Know it is Dead

Writing in CFO Magazine, David Axson, Managing Director of  Accenture’s Strategy, CFO & Enterprise Value practice tells us that the finance organization of the future will be nothing like that of  today: Finance 2020 — tomorrow’s digital finance organization — is a radical departure from the status quo. It deals in analytics and forward-looking decisions to …